
Introducing the 1 Gram Boveda

Protect product after it leaves the dispensary with the NEW Boveda 1 Gram

Those of us in the cannabis industry often find ourselves playing the role of educator as well as cultivator and purveyor. Both medicinal patients and recreational users look to us for advice on strains, therapeutic benefits and quantities.

The latest buzz we should share is how to properly store flower after it leaves our loving care. Whether buying buds or pre-rolls, our customers must properly humidify their cannabis to retain its healing and strong effects.

Previously controlling humidity used to be difficult for smaller herbal quantities—until now. Boveda, the global leader in 2-way humidity control, has created small 1g sizes that still pack a big punch. They’re specially sized and designed to fit into smaller flip-top bottles, small plastic bags and the like.

1 gram Boveda

Boveda queried the cannabis packaging community and found that although the Boveda 4g was perfect for up to ½ ounce of flower, the package was just too big to nest in single dose containers. (Too much Boveda wasn’t the issue—Boveda can’t over-humidify your buds. Using more Boveda than you need just means it will last longer because it doesn’t have to work so hard.) But if a Boveda can’t fit in a container, a customer is exposing his dosage to damaging humidity swings.

So Boveda scientists went back to the drawing board. After more than a year of engineering, not one but two new sizes for cannabis retailers and customers were designed. Each little Boveda does the same big job of adding or absorbing moisture to lock in a precise relative humidity (RH) that’s perfect for cannabis.

1 Gram Boveda Sizes for Cannabis

Cannabis brands like these are now pre-packaging product with Boveda’s new 1g to preserve the quality of their herbals while they are still on the shelves:

Package with Boveda

And dispensaries aren’t just using the Boveda 1g for display. Sellers are sending customers on their way with the 1 grams tucked into tins and tubes, too. It’s the smart way to protect product along with reputation. Check out Boveda’s wholesale site for pricing and quantities.

See How Boveda Works

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