Are you using enough Boveda packets?
While we recommend a minimum number of Boveda to store with each size instrument, you can add as many additional packs to Boveda Holders in your case as you would like or as climate dictates.
In extreme climates (below 40% humidity or above 60% humidity), you can add more Boveda to your case. Extra Boveda Holders are available here.
4 Troubleshooting Steps to Stabilize Humidity in Your Instrument Case
1. Are you using the right Boveda for your instrument?
2. Are you using the right size Boveda packet?
3. Are you using enough Boveda packets?
4. Have you calibrated your hygrometer?
Completed troubleshooting steps 1-4 and your instrument case still hasn’t stabilized to 40-60% RH?
It’s your instrument case—very few are airtight. Boveda is most effective in a fixed volume space, like a quality instrument case with a good seal.
You can either:
- Invest in a better instrument case with a tighter seal.
- Add weather stripping to the inside of your case lid to improve the seal.