
Aurora: No Biz Like Grow Biz

auroraWhen you picture a company conference what do you see–trust falls, get-to-know-you bingos and stilted chitchat? What if it were a gathering of cannabis professionals? Come along with Dianna Donnelly as she takes Boveda customers inside her company conference AKA the Aurora World Tour.

Coming Together for Cannabis

I work for a counseling service that was acquired by Aurora, a licensed producer of cannabis based out of Cremona, Alberta, Canada. Recently, my colleagues attended the Aurora World Tour in Calgary, Alberta. Twenty-four satellite offices that operate under the name Canvasrx joined together to do what many other companies do—learn more about their team, their place in the industry and their connection to each other.

We just happen to work in the medicinal cannabis field.

“We are the people who help patients find relief through medical cannabis.”

We talked shops and strains

Just like many medicinal cannabis patients, practitioners often feel stigmatized by other’s perceptions of this plant. It takes a strong individual to work in this industry—and I met a lot of them at the Aurora conference. Terpenes and trichomes are our company lingo. We were able to talk loudly and proudly about cannabis. What a freeing experience!

I’m used to grassroots, tree-hugging activists raving about that which we love. At the Aurora World Tour, however, I was among cannabis professionals. We are the people who help patients find relief through medical cannabis. Help them cope. Help them heal. It solidified the pride I feel to be part of this growing industry.

We envisioned the future of herbal medicine

Aurora CEO Terry Booth and the entire upper management team showed us where they came from, where they’re going and asked us to come along. They introduced us to the great minds at Pedanios, the German company and their founders. (Incidentally, my co-workers and I unknowingly shared a plane with them from Toronto!) Insurance in Germany covers the dispensing of medical cannabis in pharmacies. This gave us all hope that Canada too will soon get with the program. We heard about some groundwork being set in Australia by the team as well.

“…it’s all but impossible to visually profile a cannabis-user or supporter these days.”

We united, ready to power on

I’ve said it before–it’s all but impossible to visually profile a cannabis-user or supporter these days.  We are everybody!  Many of us were meeting in person for the first time at the conference. It was a chance to put faces to names. For those of us in the clinics, who work the faxes and process daily applications, we saw how we fit into the company as a whole.

This company grows my medicine and medicine for thousands of other patients. Aurora was the first to show me a certificate of testing to ensure the quality and efficacy of my product. While other producers offer only THC strains without a speck of CBD, Aurora has never wavered in its supply of strains containing both crucial cannabinoids.

I understand more fully why Aurora is the leader in producing superior medical cannabis. I saw firsthand that everyone at Aurora—from staff to the CEO—feels the heavy weight of responsibility for the patients who rely on our product and service.

CEO Terry Booth said, “It’s more important to serve an existing patient than it is to register a new one.”
That really spoke to me—as a patient and someone who counsels patients. In fact, the entire room lit up with applause. Every one of us recognizes the importance of steady accessible supply of medicine.

After seeing the significance of my role in the company and the industry, a new understanding arose in my core. I now feel a part of something bigger. Something that is literally saving lives. Soon Aurora will provide seeds and clones, which will allow patients to heal themselves and experience the wonder of horticultural therapy. Just the latest way Aurora will serve humanity and share the healing power of nature. I’m raring and ready to go.

Written by: Dianna Donnelly
Dianna Donnelly is a cannabis educator, blogger, and freelance writer living in Kingston, Ontario. She counsels new patients on the safe and effective use of medicinal cannabis and believes that with enough time, cannabis and coconut oil, she can heal the world.

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