When is a name more than a name?
When your name is your brand. For world-class luthier Dana Bourgeois of Bourgeois Guitars, the care and precision that go into his work continues after you grace your collection with one of his guitars. Inside each Bourgeois sold in the US and Canada, you’ll find an offer for a free D’Addario Starter Kit (made by Boveda).
Here’s Dana himself to tell you why:
“We pride ourselves on using the finest materials, thoughtful design and advanced construction techniques. Without proper humidification, the integrity of even the finest guitar is continually at risk. We recommend Boveda to all of our customers because they are the simplest and most effective case humidification system on the market. The long-life and no-water-needed aspect of the Boveda system makes it easy for players to maintain proper case humidify with very little fuss. We love Boveda!”
Click here to experience the zero-maintenance storage perfection so you can jam more and fuss less.
Here’s our pal Evan Skopp (left) taking possession one of Dana Bourgeois’ (right) coveted creations.