
Can I Really Save $100 Per Pound with Boveda?

Why Moisture Loss Means Money Loss in Cannabis Storage—And What You Can Do About It

Cultivators can and should preserve quality of flower while it’s in cannabis storage. Maintaining an ideal humidity level keeps flower fresh—the aroma, flavor, texture and color. In bins and totes, humidity control cannot be left to chance. Growers, processors and packagers who forego humidity control packets in with flower risk damaging trichomes and losing terpenes and water weight. See how much more you can earn when you protect your flower from over drying.

How Much Can Moisture Loss in Cannabis Storage Cost You?

Boveda tests cannabis samples with a Water Activity Meter to gauge how the water content in cannabis and hemp

In the highly competitive herbal market, decreased flower potency and poor quality can cost a cannabis company customers.

But lost water weight costs cannabis processors money every harvest. How much? Using a water activity meter (like the Aqua Lab shown here) Boveda tested cannabis samples stored with and without humidity control packs. The results proved how important moisture in cannabis production is to the bottomline.

During storage or packaging, unprotected flower can lose 3+% of its weight due to moisture loss. This represents a $100–$150 per pound loss in revenue.

Don’t Think Your Cannabis Operation is Losing You $100/lb?

Depending on when and where your state requires weighing, you might be underestimating the effect of moisture loss on your product. When you weigh flower post-cure, buds may still be plumped up and terpene rich. Inventory those buds for a few months without humidity control packets, and watch your cannabis dry out fast.

In fact, 90% of flower is unprotected against over drying (and molding). At the point of sale, don’t get surprised by a yield that weighs less than when you stored it in those bins.

Growers can enjoy a $100 return on the investment in $20 in Boveda, the original terpene shield

How Much Can You Save With Boveda Humidity Control Packs?

It depends on how you break out your average pound of flower—into grams, eighths, quarters, halves or ounces. (Boveda is available for cannabis containers of every size for any stage of storage, transport and packaging.)

Processors spend just $20 every few months to store a pound of cannabis with Boveda to avoid over drying product. Tops, you’ll spend $20 to save $100 in lost product. That’s a net average of $80 per pound! What would that do to your cash flow? Your bottom line? Your employees and your future?

Stop Losing Money Post-Cure in When Storing and Packaging Cannabis

In today’s competitive cannabis environment, every gram and every customer counts. Calculate how much of your income is evaporating when you don’t use precise humidity control post-cure.

Boveda is a quality control program that makes you more money. Business-to-business quantities and pricing are available through Boveda’s wholesale page.

The Science of Cannabis and Hemp Storage


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