Boveda fans occasionally ask, “What’s your most important product?” The One-Step Hygrometer Calibration Kit is our most important product because it’s objective proof that only Boveda can precisely control moisture. No sponge, gel, bead or imitation product marketing themselves as “2-way humidity control” make a Calibration Kit, because their contents don’t have the ability to control moisture.

The science community recognizes a saturated salt solution as the only way to control moisture in a chamber, package or container because it’s the only way to add and/or remove moisture and maintain a precise humidity level. That’s 2-way humidity control. In 1997, Boveda patented the way to package 2-way humidity control and we still hold those patents today. But that hasn’t stopped imitation products from making Boveda-level claims.
Why should you care about the “science community” when you’re storing cigars, guitars or herbal medicine? Because the science community doesn’t deal in marketing. They deal in repeatable results through rigorous testing.
The same technology we use in the Calibration Kit is used in all Boveda products—a salt solution—meaning the patents that protect our technology for Calibration Kits protect us in the effortless aging of cigars, proper guitar storage, the curing/storage of cannabis and all the other industries.