Are you using the right Boveda for your instrument?
For guitars, basses, and other large wooden instruments:
- Start with a Boveda Large Starter Kit.
- Refill the holders every three (3) months with a minimum of three (3) B49 Standard OR B49HA High Absorbency packets.
For ukuleles, violins, and other small wooden instruments:
- Start with a Boveda Small Starter Kit.
- Refill the holder every three (3) months with a minimum of one (1) B49 Standard OR B49HA High Absorbency packet.
Although Boveda starts working immediately, it can take up to two (2) weeks to stabilize the humidity in an instrument case. When you’re using Boveda, remember to keep your case closed whether your instrument is inside it or not.
4 Troubleshooting Steps to Stabilize Humidity in Your Instrument Case
1. Are you using the right Boveda for your instrument?
2. Are you using the right size Boveda packet?
3. Are you using enough Boveda packets?
4. Have you calibrated your hygrometer?
Completed troubleshooting steps 1-4 and your instrument case still hasn’t stabilized to 40-60% RH?
It’s your instrument case—very few are airtight. Boveda is most effective in a fixed volume space, like a quality instrument case with a good seal.
You can either:
- Add weather stripping to the inside of your case lid to improve the seal.
- Invest in a better instrument case with a tighter seal.