Holiday shopping for a cigar lover can be a challenge. Aficionados can be particular about the type of sticks and cigar brands they prefer—and even more discerning about the cigar accessories they favor. All in all, choosing the right cigar gift can feel pretty intimidating.
Thankfully, you have come to the right place. This gift guide from Boveda features presents perfect for cigar enthusiasts. Something that will awe them, floor them, complete their collection, or maybe even tickle their fancy.
The Obvious (But Still Awesome) Choice: Premium Cigars
Listen, you can’t go wrong with the obvious choice. There is no cigar lover on earth who wouldn’t want to wake up Christmas morning to the sight (and smell) of a luxury cigar. Granted, if you’re an outsider to the cigar world, it can feel daunting trying to pick the right stick; there are many different types of cigars, and many different types of cigar smokers, each with unique preferences.
You can chat with a reputable local tobacconist (who might even know your giftee) for recommendations.
Before you head to the cigar shop:
- Do some “recon.” Snoop around in their humidor—snap a few photos of the cigar brands they prefer and the cigar sizes they enjoy.
- Establish your cigar gift budget—a single premium stick can range anywhere from under $10 to $100 and up.
- Know when to shop for cigars if you’re looking for personalized guidance—midweek, midday.
Never Been to a Cigar Shop? Plan Your Visit
Humidors: The Gift of Great Storage
Every great cigar collection needs a great humidor—essentially a properly humidified container used to store cigars.
New cigar smokers might not yet own a humidor. This puts you in the enviable position of presenting your special someone with an essential cigar gift that can last forever. Every time your giftee reaches for a cigar, they’ll think of you.
Even if your cigar enthusiast owns a humidor, you can still get them a) a better one, b) a second one, or c) a travel humidor.
Here are some popular humidor choices for holiday gift-giving:
- Traditional Wood Humidors: A well-made, high-quality wood humidor is a thing of beauty. The best wood humidors are lined with Spanish cedar and should be gifted with a Starter Kit for Humidors.
- Portable Humidors: A travel humidor is a fantastic gift. These can be heavy-duty humidor bags pre-loaded with Boveda packets, elegant leather cigar cases, or adventure-proof metal cases.
- Personalized Humidors: Search for humidor or travel humidor companies that do engravings to add a monogram or mantra to the container will preserve a cherished cigar collection.
How to Tell If You’re Buying a Good Humidor—What to Look For
Cigar Storage Essentials: Boveda Humidity Packets
Want to give the gift of a great-tasting cigar every time they open that humidor? Cigar lovers will appreciate the impact of Boveda 2-way humidity packets for cigars. These small but mighty packets emit or absorb water vapor to maintain a consistent relative humidity inside a humidor, humidor bag, or travel case. Maintaining humidity is critical to preserving the complex flavors, structural integrity, and rich smoke of a cigar. Cigar lovers love this practical cigar gift.
Alternatively, a cigar enthusiast will always appreciate some TLC for their humidor. Boveda sells kits to prep a new humidor for cigars or tune-up an existing wood humidor. The kits are used to season a humidor, which provides moisture directly to the wood to create a better seal and prevent the wood from robbing moisture from the cigars inside. Seasoning a humidor is a great activity for a cigar lover over the holiday break. A Boveda kit comes with everything they’ll need—it’s foolproof and easy.
Cigar Accessories that Smokers Really Use
For any aficionado, the right cigar accessories are essential. These tools ensure cigars are properly stored, expertly cut, and ready to light up at any time. Here are some useful gifts that cigar smokers love:
- Precision Hygrometers: These devices help monitor the ideal environment within a humidor by accurately measuring humidity levels. Pair a Boveda calibration kit with every new hygrometer, so a cigar smoker can immediately set it up for their humidor.
- Sleek, Reliable Cutters: A good cut is essential to enjoying a cigar’s full flavor. Gifting sharp, high-quality cutters—whether guillotine-styles, v-cuts, or cigar punches—allows your giftee to savor a smooth draw every time.
- Lighters: While any lighter will do in a pinch, a proper cigar lighter brings the experience up a notch. Choose from a range of styles: classic single-flame butane lighters for precision, double or triple-jet lighters for windy conditions, or even vintage models with a timeless flair.
- Multi-Use Tools: For the enthusiast who loves a good gadget, a cigar multi-tool can be a playful, yet functional gift. These tools often combine a cutter, punch, and lighter into one compact design, perfect for a no-fuss experience.
Each of these tools brings a layer of sophistication and convenience to cigar maintenance, making them ideal gifts for beginners and seasoned cigar smokers alike.
Subscription Services and Classes for Cigar Lovers: A Gift That Keeps Giving
- Cigar Subscription Box: Monthly deliveries bring an ever-changing selection of curated cigars to their door, ideal for those who love discovering new blends and brands.
- Online Cigar Classes: Elevate them from cigar connoisseur to cigar sommelier—smokers love to learn more about their passion. Some virtual cigar continuing education courses even offer certifications to students who master the materials.
- Boveda Subscription: Help your giftee maintain proper storage for cigars year-round with a regular supply of Boveda humidity packets.
- Cigar Magazine Subscription: Keep them up-to-date on industry news, new releases, and in-depth articles. Check out this article about the best cigar magazines worth subscribing to—many are available in print and digital editions.
Novelty Cigar Gifts
Lastly, depending on their sense of humor and personality, you can get them a novelty gift. Some people love novelty gifts while others don’t—at the end of the day, you know your giftee best.
Here are a few fun, cigar-related presents to put under the tree this year:
- Personalized Cigar Bands: These can be customized with initials or messages, adding a personal touch to each smoke.
- Luxury Ashtrays: A ceramic, glass, or concrete ashtray toes the line between being practical and aesthetically pleasing. Choose a more contemporary design, so it doesn’t look like the kind of gift you might get your dad in the 1950s. (Fra-gi-le, it must be Italian.)
- Cigar-Themed Artwork: For aficionados who enjoy showcasing their passion, cigar-themed prints or wall art can be an excellent idea.
- Cigar-Themed Apparel: Cigar-themed retro bowling shirts, hats, socks, ties, and other novelty items can be a playful, cheeky way of rounding out a cigar lover’s holiday.