How long will Boveda last for my instrument, when should I replace?
Depending on your instrument case and its surrounding environment, you can expect Boveda to last from 2 to 6 months.
While using Boveda, remember to keep your instrument case closed whether your instrument is in there or not to maintain a stable environment.
In its original packaging, Boveda has a two-year shelf life.
To avoid the risk of a lapse in your 2-way humidity control, we recommend replacing any Boveda actively in use every 3 months (90 days).
TIP: Write the date on new Boveda to remind you when it’s time to switch it out. Or do the touch test to determine when it’s time to replace your Boveda:
Boveda is still working if you feel:
- Hardening at its corners
- Soft spots among some hard areas
Boveda is expired if it feels:
- Rock solid all the way through (Make sure your instrument is always protected, don’t wait until Boveda is completely rigid before ordering replacements.)
Boveda can feel cold and rock hard:
- Let it warm up to room temperature and repeat the touch test.
- If your Boveda is now pliable and it feels like thick jelly or dense clay, Boveda is still working—the temperature change won’t impact the performance, effectiveness or shelf life of the 2-way humidity control.
*If you use High-Absorbency Boveda, it will expand—not harden—when it needs to be replaced. Learn more about High-Absorbency Boveda, which is designed to protect wood instruments in climates with extreme humidity (50%+ year-round).
TIP: To avoid running out of Boveda, subscribe to the Subscription program to have replacements automatically delivered to you. Next time you place a Boveda order, select your product, then choose subscribe as the frequency. You can even tell us how often you want to receive your Boveda. Learn more about Boveda’s Subscription program here.