No more rewetting sponges and hoses! Use Boveda patented two-way humidity control to automatically humidify your wood instrument, so it performs as well as you do.
1. Slip the Boveda pack(s) into the fabric holder and place in your case along with your instrument. (If your Boveda pack is overwrapped, remove that clear plastic before using. DO NOT OPEN the brown packet itself.)
2. Close the case—Boveda starts working automatically.
3. Replace the Boveda pack in your instrument case after 3 months.
Best Sellers—a Big Hit with Musicians

Wood cases can have 2x as much wood as a guitar. Season your wood guitar case with special Boveda seasoning packs, so it doesn’t rob moisture meant for your instrument.
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Extend the life of Size 8 packs by 2.5x! Fill this Mini Fabric Holder with Boveda to balance humidity for instrument accessories, like bows and reeds.
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Now you can protect your acoustic guitar when it’s out of the case. Drives humidity control directly into the body of the instrument to keep it play-ready.
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This 4-pack is the right choice to refill any Boveda Starter Kit for Music. Subscribe to keep refreshers coming automatically, so your instrument is always perfectly humidified.
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Music FAQs
all music faqsYES! Always insert Boveda into a pouch of a Boveda Fabric Holder before placing in an instrument case. The fabric holder extends the life of Boveda plus acts as a liquid barrier if a pack is accidentally punctured. Remember, take care to not crush the holder when you close your instrument case.
NO!!! DO NOT OPEN the brown packet itself. If your Boveda arrived individually wrapped in cellophane, remove that plastic overwrap before slipping the humidity control pack into a fabric holder.
No. Boveda works solo, so do not use Boveda in the same instrument case with other humidification products. They fight against each other reducing the efficiency of Boveda. So ditch those sponges and hoses. No more rewetting— Boveda works automatically to balance the humidity in your case!
Yes! Boveda makes a High-Absorbency pack to protect wood instruments in extreme humidity, prevent warping and mildew build-up and curb humidity fluctuations when you’re in a dry environment, like an airplane or air-conditioned venue. Check out Boveda for high humidity here.
The Large Starter Kit is the right Boveda for an acoustic guitar, large woodwind or large bowed or fretted instrument. Choose a Small Starter Kit to use Boveda with an electric guitar or bass, small woodwind or small bowed or fretted instrument.